Home / Series / Kim / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 6


Kim and the Lama reach the rich widow’s village. The woman lives in a grand building. A flock of crows live in a great tree which looms in front of her building. Kim is surprised by the intelligence of the birds that pick the berries from the trees, drop them on the streets to be crushed by passing carts and then eat the contents. The Lama tells him that the Buddhists consider them sacred animals and revere them as foreboders of good luck. When she hears those words, the widow picks up a rock and throws it against the birds. Sacred animals, by George! All those damned animals do is croak all day long and then attract evil spirits into her home. An elderly Brahmin welcomes the guests into the building. He lives with the widow and takes care of her. The man doesn’t seem happy about their arrival, although he treats the Lama and his disciple with servile manners. But this does nothing to hide his irritation and wariness. The Lama questions him about the presence of evil spirits inside the house. The Brahmin wickedly whispers in his ear that it’s only the imagination of the feeble-minded old lady, who is more and more giving signs of mental derangement. Then he changes his expression and rushes over to slavish his attention on his mistress and reminds her that she must take her medicine. After drinking the potion prepared for her by the Brahmin, the widow suddenly feels very tired and is led to her bedroom for a nap. She arouses the Brahmin’s jealousy by asking the Lama and Kim to keep her company. The Lama notices the picture of a young man in her room and asks her whether it’s her son...

  • Network Mondo TV
  • Created February 18, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified February 18, 2020 by
    Administrator admin