Opening: A bunch of sterotype-looking kids are playing some sort of sailor game on an old cannon on time square, when a bus comes to a stop. A guy (Oscar Kilroy) comes out of the bus holding a suitcase. The Bassic Problem: The Mayor (stereotypes abound) wants to auction off the old cannon. The kid, Billy Fuller, ends up buying it for $1.28. His dad gets mad (STEROTYPES!). Solution: Everyone's ok. What do you expect.
Kilroy continues his stay in Wilson Jct., Due to his helpful nature however he starts to cause one calamity after another - interfering in several peoples love lives , and a new invention of a local citizen.
The Mayor is pressured into giving Kilroy a job. The only vacancy is becoming a dogcatchers helper. The only problem seems to be his love for dog, when the time comes to put them down, Kilroy sneaks them away from thir impending doom.
Kilroysoon has to many smuggled dogs, he must then find them homes.He finds a farm on the outskirts of town that is perfect. The old cople used to train dogs, so they train these and put on a charity show for the town.