Kid gets swindled by the salesman at the pet-shop: he sells him a normal, white little bunny while pretending it is a "" Werebunny "", a particularly rabid kind that only becomes wild between midnight and dawn. All of Kid's classmates immediately rush to the pet-shop to buy a monster of their own. Kid's family is rather skeptical; to prove his claim, Kid decides to film his rabbit's ferocious behavior in the kitchen during the night. The footage shows only Eugene, the cat, stealing meat morsels Kid had laid out for his werebunny.
Kid se fait rouler par l’animalier qui lui vend un vulgaire petit lapin blanc – en le faisant passer pour un : « Lapin Garou » (féroce entre minuit et le lever du jour). Les camarades de classe se précipitent aussitôt pour acquérir leur monstre.