킥킥킥킥 멤버들, 백지원의 콘텐츠 ‘자스민 15분 클래스’에 참여했다가 대혼란에 빠지고! 조연과 태호는 ‘꼬꼬캠 디톡스 캠핑 편’ 답사 도중 갈등과 화해를 반복하다 우연히 야생 곰과 마주치게 되는데…
KICKKICKKICKKICK employees participate in their new content, "Jasmin's 15 Minute Class," only to end up in chaos. Meanwhile, Wang Jo-yeon and Kang Tae-ho go on an on-site survey in preparation for the next episode of "Tails of Tales of Camping." There, the two keep clashing until they encounter a big trouble.