นิทรา (โบว์ เมลดา) เริ่มปรับตัวกับโลกใหม่และชีวิตใหม่ในฐานะ “บุญตา” นางคณิกาโรงแม่แฟง (จอย รินลณี) โดยมีลำเจียก (เดียร์ ปฤสยา) นางคณิกานิสัยดีเป็นเพื่อนคอยช่วยเหลือทุกอย่าง แถมคุณฉาย (ภณ ณวัสน์) ยังตามติดพันมาให้เจอหน้าอยู่บ่อยครั้ง จนเรื่องที่คุณฉายติดนางคณิการู้ถึงหูคุณทับทิม (ปุ๊ ปิยะมาศ) ผู้เป็นแม่ที่ไม่ค่อยพอใจ จึงคิดหาทางจับคู่ลูกชายสุดที่รักกับแม่ดอกแก้ว (วิปครีม ดิศริญากรณ์) หญิงลูกผู้ดีที่คู่ควรกันมากกว่า
Nitra (Bow Maylada) começa a se adaptar ao novo mundo e à nova vida como “Boonta,” uma cortesã na casa de Mae Faeng (Joy Rinlanee). Ela conta com a ajuda de Lamjiak (Dear Prisaya), uma cortesã de bom coração que a auxilia em tudo. Além disso, Khun Chai (Pon Nawasch) continua aparecendo frequentemente para vê-la, demonstrando seu interesse. No entanto, o envolvimento de Khun Chai com uma cortesã chega aos ouvidos de Khun Thapthim (Poo Piyamart), sua mãe, que não aprova a situação. Ela, então, decide arranjar um casamento entre seu amado filho e Mae Dok Kaew (Whipcream Disrinyakorn), uma jovem de uma família nobre, muito mais adequada para ele.
Nitra (Bow Maylada) begins to adjust to her new world and life as "Boonta," a courtesan in Mae Faeng's (Joy Rinlanee) house. She is supported by Lamjiak (Dear Prisaya), a kind-hearted courtesan who helps her in every way. Meanwhile, Khun Chai (Pon Nawasch) frequently comes by to see her, showing his affection. However, Khun Chai's involvement with a courtesan reaches the ears of Khun Thapthim (Poo Piyamart), his mother, who disapproves of the situation. She decides to arrange a match between her beloved son and Mae Dok Kaew (Whipcream Disrinyakorn), a young woman from a noble family, who she believes is a much more suitable partner.