Subscribe, Rate, and Leave a Review. -Feits is fired up about Serena Williams daughter being named part owner of a sports team -KFC is fired up over Twizzlers -Feits felt like a comedian this past weekend -AITA Thursday including "puking on a baby", "My Boyfriend's Leaving Me to Become a Monk", and "Birthday Suit in the House" -Voicemails include "Control dreams or sleep", "living in the middle of nowhere", "fake noise at baseball games". (01:15:45)Rosebud Baker joins the show! She educates KFC and Feits on diva cups and shares a WILD experience she had with one. We discuss creating comedy content in quarantine, mental health, and much more. Check out more of Rosebud here: Podcast (Find Your Beach): Twitter: Youtube: Instagram: (02:05:55)Paul Virzi joins the show. We discuss drinking sneakin up on ya, touri