Home / Series / KFC Radio / Aired Order / Season 2018 / Episode 181

WATCHLIST: Icon Roles That Were Almost Played By Different Actors, Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Mayans, Mr.

Will Smith was almost Neo from The Matrix, Tiffani Amber Thiessen was supposed to play Rachel Green in Friends, Jon Cryer was almost Chandler (Friends), Vince Vaughn was almost Joey (Friends), Paul Giamatti & Bob Odenkirk was almost Michael Scott (The Office), Patton Oswalt and Seth Rogen were almost Dwight Schrute (The Office), Michael Richards was almost Al Bundy (Married With Children), Ed Oneil was almost Sam Malone (Cheers), Craig T Nelson was almost Jay Pritchett (Modern Family), Ray Liotta was almost Tony Soprano (The Sopranos), John Cusack & Matthew Broderick were almost Walter White (Breaking Bad), John Lithgow was almost Fraiser (Cheers, Fraiser), Katie Holmes was almost Buffy (the Vampire Slayer), Alec Baldwin was supposed to be Mr Big (Sex in The City), and you will not believe who was supposed to be Scully from X-Files
