KFC & Feits breakdown whether "pre-dating" is socially acceptable and who is the worst person to fall in love with in the world. Plus an interview with Erik Griffin from Workaholics and Showtime's I'm Dying Up Here. Episode Presented By:Blu: $1 MyBlue kit at myblu.comOmaha Steaks: 78% off for Father's Day OmahaSteaks.com use code "KFC"Drinkade: 25% off at DrinkAde.com use code "KFCRADIO"For HIMS: $5 trial month at forhims.com/kfcUncharted: $50 off at UnchartedSupplyCo.com use code "KFC"Omax Health: 60% off first 30 day supply Omaxboost.com/kfc