KFC and Feitelberg run through the Barstool front page: Hank left Rough N Rowdy victorious against Tex. Lactating breasts and hot wax, strip clubs in West Virginia are like going to a circus. Dan Lebatard had a bizarre breakdown in reaction to John Skipper resigning from ESPN. New York Times reveal that there is a government run UFO program, confirming KFC's theory that aliens are real. We have another update from "unexpected eskimo sisters" story. Dan Soder from the show "Billions" returns to join in on voicemails. How do I get my boyfriend to tell me his sexual fantasies? How do I get my old neighbor to stop asking me to do stuff for him? How do my boyfriend and I determine who sleeps in the "wet spot" after sex? My girlfriend's parents want me to convert to Judaism. I tried breaking up with my girlfriend but we got drunk and did blow and made up.