Home / Series / KFC Radio / Aired Order / Season 2017 / Episode 103

KFCRadio: How to be Spiteful

The first day back to work from Thanksgiving isn't even the worst day in the world anymore because everyday is. Kevin and Feitelberg run through Barstool front page: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged, Tennesee hired and fired Greg Schiano in one day, Sex island is a real thing and it's spectacular, what would you do if you were an unchecked man?, Hilary Clinton upset that no one is asking for her advice on how to run for president, never go undercarriage angle when taking a dick pic. Voicemails include: update from the girls studying abroad in Ireland, literally dodging a bullet from your ex, girl changes outfits to sneak back into a concert to throw another drink at her ex, checking out that dick print in the gray sweats.
