Home / Series / KFC Radio / Aired Order / Season 2016 / Episode 34

#MAILTIME: Sam Adams

On this week's episode of Mailtime Kevin Clancy interviews Boston's boy Sam Adams. Before the interview the Clancy brothers discuss the Matt Harvey blood clot in the bladder saga, why that's the most Mets thing ever, and this year's nominees for the video games Hall of Fame. Then in the interview Kevin and Sam Adams talk how big Barstool was in launching Sammy's career, what the tour bus life is like, how he almost had Johnny Manziel in his latest music video, how he crashed with a buddy for a week and had his wife (who was 8 months pregnant) flip out on him, they then break down Kevin's attempt at rap as "Young Unsweetened," how crazy the Gronk party cruise was, and much more.
