Pitch is a Canadian documentary created by Kenny Hotz and Spencer Rice, featuring themselves as two young filmmakers attending the Toronto Film Festival to pitch a film concept to various celebrities. Their film idea, titled “The Dawn”, concerns a Mafia don who goes for a hernia operation but gets a sex change instead. During the 1996 Toronto fest, they approach Roger Ebert, Norman Jewison (at a packed press conference), Eric Stoltz (leaving a limo), Al Pacino, and others without much success. On a roll, they leave Toronto for Hollywood, getting advice from Arthur Hiller and Neil Simon and finding an agent who expresses interest in their pitch. The film was shown at the 1997 Toronto Film Festival.
Kenny and Spenny compete to see who gets a boner first. They both put on speedos and throw whatever tactic they can at each other. Spenny brings his cousin Bianca in a bikini to Kenny's room and try to arouse him while Kenny tries to get Spenny so frustrated that the blood rushes to his genitals. That fails but Kenny gets an injection that stops him from getting a boner for a week.
Armed with gas masks the crew is forced to record perhaps the smelliest competition to date. Kenny, the fart-maestro, is shocked to find out that Spenny's gas-inducing diet is making him competitive. So, Kenny must dig deep to into his bag of tricks (and bowels) in order to win this methane-filled contest.
The guys each make a series of videos and must choose one to put online. The most popular video wins. Kenny, the more Internet savvy of the two, makes an eclectic series of shocking videos dealing with: 9/11, terrorists, pranks, and celebrity spoofs. Spenny, who thinks viral videos are generally idiotic, disregards his personal opinion and does everything in his power to defeat Kenny including consuming excrement
Hold on to your stomachs for an all-you-can-eat carnivorous bloat fest: whichever guy eats more meat is the winner. Kenny, a pig by definition, summons the gluttonous gods and gorges like never before, while Spenny chooses the more methodical approach of eating, exercising, resting and moving his bowels.
The boys are each tethered to a live goat. The first one to break the bond loses. Kenny, who wants to have fun with his goat, cleverly uses an extremely long rope in hopes that Spenny will be stuck taking care of both goats. Spenny tries his best to toilet train his goat and keep him smelling as pleasant as possible. Though it's not easy, the goat is still a better roommate than Kenny.
Just in time for your Christmas caroling, the first one to stop singing loses in this surprisingly grueling competition. Kenny explores various musical genres while creating a fictitious and hideously slanderous version of Spenny's family tree. Spenny decides to get motivated by singing for charity, trying to raise money to buy a piano for a community center.
In perhaps the silliest competition to date - if that's even possible - the dysfunctional duo wear hot and itchy gorilla suits in the middle of summer - the first one to take off any part of the costume is the loser. Spenny's strategy is to ignore the costume and be himself while raising awareness of the fate of the mountain gorilla, while Kenny devolves, finding his inner gorilla, and does his best to put gorilla Spenny into extinction.
Literally going on the offensive, the guys hit the streets to see who can piss-off more people. Spenny, a self-proclaimed nice guy, in order to cope, transforms himself physically to remain anonymous and enlists a jerky friend to help him, while Kenny, tired of the abuse from the people he's pissing off, decides to go big and piss people off on mass.
The boys enter the wacky world of professional wrestling as each is paired with a professional wrestler and must design a match to be judged. Spenny, a life-long wrestling fanatic, lives out his fantasy learning all his favorite wrestling moves, while Kenny creates a wrestling persona that makes George the Animal Steele look well-adjusted.
The guys each spend a day with three physically disabled people and they vote for the guy they like best. Spenny, trying not to make his past mistake of being too serious, tempers the political aspects of his strategy by trying to show the handicapped a good time. Kenny, with a counter-intuitive strategy, does his best to be mean to his disabled guests.
In this first ever two-episode competition, the guys each spend a day with three brothers to find out whom they like more. Spenny, who has no black friends, decides to impress the black guys by having Race Relations Retreat where he can impress them with his honesty about race related issues. Meanwhile, Kenny is hellbent on proving Spenny is a racist.
Kenny and Spenny compete to see who can have more fun. Spenny, who believes fun is subjective, decides to do what he thinks is fun, but is convinced that having a threesome is the winning strategy. Kenny, who lives for fun, realizes that blowing things up pales in comparison to the fun he has messing with Spenny.
The boys did a competition to see who the bigger idiot is, with the crew judging the competition. Kenny's tactics included dressing up as the dictionary definition of an idiot, taking stock footage from sexual education videos and incorporating himself in them and destroying the house. Spenny recreated scenes from his idiotic past but after reading the definition of "idiot" he joined Kenny in destroying the house. The crew admits Kenny tried, but Spenny is unanimously the bigger idiot.