No episode on the 27th Kennedy kicks the night off were her eye on Iowa. She thinks it's annoying. It's the only thing people care about. But she has to admit it's a fascinating phenomena. She covers some of the former and potential winners plus the fallout if an underdog came out of no where to get 1st place. She also takes a minute to attack ethanol subsidies. :) The Iowa caucus is on Monday and Cruz is saying that this is the last chance to stop Donald Trump. Our panel is here to discuss that and the Iowa caucus in general. BEN KISSEL, MEGHAN McCAINES, and GAVIN McINNES is that party panel. Before they were covering the Republican primary but afterwards they move on to the Democratic side. Clinton vs Sanders vs Martin O'Henry. BRIAN BRENBERG is here to talk about the magical thinking involved with the plans proposed by both leading Democratic candidates. You may have heard of the latest terrifying sickness to plague America, the Zika virus. If you listen to some in the media the sky is falling - again. SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola and now the Zika virus. We've got Dr. Bob Arnot here via satellite to probably whip up some more fear. Birth defects, the CDC, response time, and infection platforms. TOPICAL STORM Ben Carson has recently stated that uninformed votes are his biggest threat. Weird - you'd think if they were more informed they'd hear about some of his more wacky views. Like that the Pyramids were used to store grain. Our panel returns to discuss Carson's statements on 'uniformed voters'. Michael Jackson has a film about his life coming out and it's causing some controversy. He's going to be played by a white actor. (RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE) Kennedy has lured 3 college students into her lair to lock horns over their love of Bernie Sanders. They start it off with talking about definitions of the word socialism. Wow, these 3 are super annoying. Exactly what you'd expect, though. Nice quote - "I've never heard of any business going out o