Welcome to Monday! Kennedy is still thinking about Larry David's impression of Bernie Sanders on While Bernie Sander's may have struck a big win for Hillary by defending her not everyone is going to forget about emailgate. Jake Tapper questions her - she cackles maniacally. CARELY SHIMKUS, JOE DeVITO, and JAMIE WEINSTEIN are here to discuss. Afterwards they move on to talking secret security. Both Ben Carson and Donald Trump now have it. Trump vs Bush over 9/11. Donald Trump says that it may not have ever happened on his watch because he's 'strong on immigration'. (Blegh.) NASA's Kepler telescope has spotted an odd cluster of stars.. or are they stars? DR. MICHIO KAKU is here to discuss. These could be super massive alien structors.. or they could be not that. The panel returns. First story - CDC has commissioned a study that shows that hangovers cause 249 billion dollars worth the damage to productivity. Star Wars tickets go on sale 2 months early. Study shows that people who prefer bitter food/beverages are more prone to be aggressive sadists. Kennedy visits a the red carpet premier of "All Things Must Pass". Tower Records used to be a massive entity. This movie details its rise & fall. COLIN HANKS directed it and is interviewed by Kennedy. While on the red carpet she spends a little time with WEIRD AL YANKOVIC and MOBY. RUSSELL SOLOMON, founder of Tower Records, is breifly interviewed as well. Plus BUSY PHILIPPS and RITA WILSON. Nightcap. What is scary? Not what you'd think.