No episode Monday. Kennedy does her monologue and Good ol' Biden. He's still on watch as a potential Presidential contender. There are still donors out there unhappy with the current offerings. On top of that he recently had a meeting with Elizabeth Warren that's god some tongues wagging. We're joined by (woot) BONNIE McFARLANE, JAMIE WEINSTEIN, and GUY BENSON on our party panel. They continue to discuss a potential Biden-Warren ticket. Afterwards - Hillary's troubles in regards to her emails continue to mount. Can she survive the FBI probe? Former congressman and doctor RON PAUL is here via satellite to talk about Wall Streets recent losses and the Federal Reserve. They also discuss Rand Paul. The panel returns. First up - the Ashley Madison hack and the fallout created by it's leak. K-Walking! Real or fake? Did a real politian say that.. or was it a fiction character? We get more panel play as they talk about Kennedy's K-Walking segment. College kids put up crude sign. A segment about ghosts or some jazz. There's some guys she interviews but I'm too spooked to write it down to be honest. *Mocking oOoOOoOo ghost sound* Nightcap: Most honest city vs most dishonest city. The shining city on a hill is covered in mud.