"Kennedy" is a news panel show hosted by Kennedy Montgomery. Kennedy Montgomery is a libertarian that you may recognize from 90's MTV, Stossel, and the Independents. _,-'2_,-'2_,-'2_,-'2_,-'2_,-'2_,-'2_,-'2_,-'2_,-'2 Kennedy kicks off tonights show talking about Hillary's amazing new $600 dollar haircut. She really is just one of the people. Tonights party panel conists of DAGEN McDOWELL, BRIAN MORGENSTERN, and JULIE ROGINSKY. They continue to discuss the previously mentioned 600 dollar haircut. Chris Christie comes out as anti-states rights and pro-drug war. ERIK COLEMAN is in studio to talk MORE FREAKIN' DEFLATEGATE. The panel returns to talk about Cecil the Lion & the social media backlash directed at Mr. Dentist. TOPICAL STORM: Giant bicycle rider moves tiny car out of bike lane with his bear hands. Australian throws tantrum at vending machine. Two Scottish women try to park. Takes 17 minutes. John Steward goes on Larry Wilmore to talk about his "secret meetings" to the White House. Little kid terrified by fast driving and much drifting. The panel is back to talk about certain theaters asking patrons to watch out for "strange characters". It's for security. Afterwards - study shows 15 percent of Americans don't use the internet. How is that possible? Next up - Even more deflategate. Tom Brady says he's innocent. This story will not die. GREG GUTFELD is here to play a little "You're Crazy Kennedy!" Kennedy says 3rd party candidates are good. Greg is wrong and disagrees. They do a fight. Nightcap: Ireland is repealing a bunch of dumb laws. 6,000 or so of 'em. We should do the same.