Tonight we have JEDEDIAH BILA in place of Kennedy while she moves her family to New York Tonights panel is JULIET HUDDY, SHERROD SMALL, and BRIAN MORGENSTERN. First story - Chris Christie enters the race. John Kasich's to announce bid sometime in July. More election news - Joe Biden is running. Really awful pro-hillary ad released called "Chelsea's Mom". It's a parody of "Stacy's Mom". Our panel returns to talk about Microagressions. The latest example is a chart of microagressions released by University of Wisconsin. Among the phrases frowned upon is "You can make it in America if you work hard enough", "Where are you from?", "You are so articulate." and "I believe the most qualified person should get the job". JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO returns to talk about Rand Paul's recent comments about marriage in light of SCOTUS ruling. He thinks that government should get out of marriage all together. They also talk about the polygamy. Napolitano says "Who cares."Afterwards they talk about a Texas AG who says that clerks can refuse gay marriage licenses based on religion. Clerks - but not offices. Topical Storm: (WITH SHERROD SMALL!!) Kid beats Super Mario World in 23 minutes.. blindfolded! Diddy falls down Nicki Minaj forgets where she is. Wal-Mart is cool with ISIS cakes. Coheed and Cambria play song written by Anthony Scalia. Worlds ugliest dog contest. The panel returns to talk about Gender Neutral bathrooms. Hawaii wants to raise smoking age to 21. You can vote, you can die for your country, but you can't smoke. Electronic cigarettes included. Who would you most trust to babysit your kids? Brian says Dr. Phil. (Pft.) Juliet says John Snow of Game of Thrones fame. (He's attractive.) Sherrod says America Ferrera 'cause she'd teach his kids Spanish. (wtf. haha.) Bila wants Thor, but her kid doesn't really enter into that decision. Tiny house owners TREVOR GAY and MARIANNA BENASUTTI talk about their 224 square foot Tiny House. They save an incredib