Alma and Sen deliver Kyururu to their client, Domestic Dog, who has been waiting a long time to meet a human and takes Kyururu back to a set of human houses. When the others catch up to them and assume Kyururu had found her home, Caracal argues with her and starts making her way back home. Upon learning that a Beast is nearby, Kyururu goes off to try and warn Serval and Caracal, only to come up against the Beast herself. Dog gets injured protecting Kyururu, Serval and Caracal, who had realized her folly, return to fight off the Beast, after which Dog encourages Kyururu to continue travelling with her friends.
누군가에게 유괴된 꾸르르를 찾아나선 서벌과 카라칼. 그러다 두 프렌즈는 우연히 꾸르르를 유괴했던 아르마와 천산갑을 만나 꾸르르가 있는 장소로 안내받는데.
Kyururu é capturada por duas amigas desconhecidas... Será que ela está de volta ao seu lar?!
Kyururu a été victime d’un enlèvement commandité par une mystérieuse Amimale. Le duo recruté pour l’occasion n'ayant pas la moindre idée de la cause de ce rapt, Kyururu n’a d’autre choix que d’attendre de rencontrer son ravisseur. Pendant ce temps, Serval et Caracal sont à sa recherche.