Back in the past, the Arcobaleno are heading to Namimori to present Tsuna with their trials. Meanwhile, in the future, Irie is giving Tsuna and his friends instructions on how to return to the past. The Arcobaleno Trials are a week long. If they don't get all seven seals during that time, they will lose all means to oppose Byakuran. With a newfound determination, Tsuna and his friends return to the Namimori of the past using Irie's device. Tsuna and his friends are thrilled to see a peaceful Namimori. Reborn, previously silent, finally announces the start of the Arcobaleno Trials…
Tsuna et ses amis sont renvoyés dans leur époque. Ils promettent avant cela à Irie qu'ils ne révéleront à quiconque aucune information sur leur voyage dans le futur. A leur retour, les tests Arcobaleno les attendant durant une semaine, Reborn dresse un rapide portrait de tout les Arcobalenos à Tsuna, Gokudera et Yamamoto.
Tsuna e gli altri tornano nel passato, e si preparano per affrontare le prove degli Arcobaleno.
Mientras Tsuna y sus amigos son transportados de regreso, los arcobaleno se reúnen para que hagan cada una sus pruebas a Tsuna y así obtener los sellos arcobaleno.