The Varia are simultaneously defeated by the Real Funeral Wreaths when they reveal their secret abilities. Their deaths, including Hibari's, are revealed to be an illusion cast by Mukuro Rokudo who had replaced them in the midst of battle in order to witness the secret abilities of the Funeral Wreaths. As the battle continues, Byakuran sends Ghost into the battlefield.
La Varia semble totalement dépassée quand les Real 6 choisissent de recourir à leurs superpouvoirs. Mais bientôt ne va pas tarder à arriver une ancienne connaissance, sortie des geôles des Vendicare…
I Varia continuano a combattere contro Zakuro e Bluebell, mentre Tsuna cerca di capire cos'è successo al gruppo di Ryohei.
Kikyo sigue peleando contra los Vongola, hasta que descubre que no ha estado haciéndolo. Kikyo estuvo enfrentando un par de ilusiones creadas por Fran y su maestro Rokudo Mukuro.