The story begins with Kiba and Takumi fighting each other. Kiba is in Orphenoch form and Takumi is in Faiz form. Neither know that the other can transform.
Masato comes back from his trip. He doesn't say much about it other than that the others from Ryuseiji Tutor are fighting. He continues to push Takumi's buttons. He lets Mari know that he likes her.
Murakami suggests training a new member for Lucky Clover to replace Jay.
Masato overhears Mari questioning her feelings for Kiba. This upsets Masato. Kiba and Osada ask Mari to consider going out with Kaido.
Yuji and Masato are attacked by Orphenochs. Masato puts on his belt, causing Yuji to realize he is a rider. Murakami and another Orphenoch confront Takumi and Mari, demanding the Faiz belt.