園田真理(芳賀優里亜)は菊池啓太郎の甥・条太郎(浅川大治)、海堂直也(唐橋充)、そして、いつしか戻ってきた草加雅人(村上幸平)とともにクリーニング店「西洋洗濯舗 菊池クリーニング店」を経営しながらオルフェノクの庇護を行っていた。一方、政府により企業再生されたスマートブレイン社は、オルフェノクの殲滅を目指す企業へと変貌を遂げ、北崎(藤田玲)が社を率いていた。
Mari Sonoda heads to Keitaro's cleaning shop with his nephew Jotaro and meets Naoya and Masato, who has returned. Meanwhile, Smart Brain, which has become a governmental organization, has transformed into a company aiming to annihilate all Orphnoch life, and this operation is led by Kitazaki.
In order to protect the Orphnochs from extinction, Masato Kusaka fights against Smart Brain's enforcer, Rena Kurumi. Not only that, she is assisted by none other than Takumi Inui himself, who had disappeared years ago and returned as Kamen Rider NEXT Faiz to spearhead Smart Brain...!
Mari and the others are confused after being attacked by the new Faiz. Why is Takumi working with Smart Brain? What has he been up to since? Their turbulent reunion marked the beginning of a new story involving Orphnochs and humanity.