Sakazaki ignores Kaiji's warning and continues sinking money into the Bog, while the casino manager gives instructions to initiate the 'block' which controls the flippers, stopping the balls descending into the winning zone. Although Sakazaki is close to winning he collapses and the casino manager, Ichijō Seiya, introduces himself and reveals that they are using brass balls today which are not affected by magnetism. They leave with a little more than ¥6 million after losing over ¥43 million in two hours. The next day, Kaiji spends hours back at the casino, staring at the machine, then goes to the staff room to cash in one ball he found, insulting Ichijō but also gathering information about the casino's operations.
カイジの忠告を無視し、『沼』攻略の秘密兵器・磁石入り缶ビールを手に『沼』を打ち続ける坂崎!しかし、打てども打てども当たりは出ず。その裏で一条の策略、『沼』大当たりへの防御策は厳しさを増すのであった。 そしてついに、坂崎は最後の1000万に手をかける。
사카자키는 카이지의 충고를 무시하고 자석 맥주캔으로 '늪'에 계속 도전하지만, 참패하여 군자금을 거의 탕진하고 만다. 사카자키의 옷에 들어 있던 구슬을 보며 카이지는 한 가지 의심을 품고 카지노에 찾아간다. 그리고 그곳에서 공략의 실마리를 찾아내는데...
Sakazaki ne tient pas compte des avertissements de Kaiji, qui lui fait savoir que les employés du casino disposent d'un mécanisme de blocage des billes télécommandé. Les chances de gagner de Sakazaki s'amenuisent…