Die Dresdner Schiefertafel ist eine Vorrichtung, die die gesamte Menschheit in Könige verwandeln soll. Der Goldene König hat ihre Funktionen bislang kontrolliert und unterdrückt. Doch jetzt hat die Tafel ihre vollständige Macht zurückgewonnen. Das Volk erlangt daraufhin außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten und die Welt stürzt ins Chaos.
As the Slates liberate power to all mankind, chaos arises among people. Nagare keeps all paths except the Yomito Gate closed and asks Iwa to 'greet' the Blue King while he guards the Slates. He tells Iwa that he can't be beaten since keeping connected to the Slates enables him to use his power without being limited to time. As Munakata and Goki advance towards the tower where the Slates are kept and are blocked by the Jungle U rank members. The Blue clan members gather intel and observe Munakata and Goki approch the Green clan members. Watching this, Awashima resigns from Sceptre 4, since she wants to join Munakata. As she hands over the rights of acting Captain to Akiyama, he orders Sceptre 4 to intercept the Green clan. As Fushimi opens the gates for the Blue King, he is deemed to be a traitor by Nagare and Sukuna starts a duel to death with him. As Iwa meets Munakata and Goki, the Silver blimp lands just behind Iwa, uninfluenced by his fog. Iwa and Munakata start to clash.
通過「jungle」的一些手段,「德累斯頓石盤」的力量被徹底解放。受到影響的社會陷入了混亂,在菊理的帶領下,葦中學園島的學生們打算努力控制異能。宗像只帶著善條一個人前往「光柱」出現的場所,面對萬事俱備的敵人,知道了此事的淡島和「Scepter 4」的成員十分希望可以有所行動。
A medida que las Pizarras liberan poder a toda la humanidad, surge el caos entre las personas. Nagare mantiene todos los caminos excepto la Puerta de Yomito cerrada y le pide a Iwa que 'salude' al Rey Azul mientras protege las Pizarras.