Home / Series / K Street / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 2

Week 2

In the second episode of k street, Maggie (Mary McCormack) asked Francisco (Roger G. Smith) if he has been speaking to Prince Bandar. Prince Bandar bin Sultan has been the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the U.S since 1983. He is scheduled to have lunch with New Mexico governor Bill Richardson today (9/25/03). Richardson first met Bandar when he was U.S. energy secretary. OPEC surprised financial markets (which fell sharply) on Wednesday by cutting exports for November and driving up the price of crude oil.The firm prepares to pitch their services to the Recording Industry Association of America.

  • Originally Aired September 21, 2003
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Production Code 102
  • Network HBO
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Rep. Mary Bono Guest Star
Elizabeth Haxthowsen Guest Star
Rep. David Dreier Guest Star
Jennice Fuentes Guest Star
Karen Williams Guest Star
Joseph Bondi Guest Star
Lory Gray Guest Star
Frank Cullen Guest Star
Linda Divall Guest Star
Tony Black Guest Star
Sen. Orrin Hatch Guest Star
Trevor Gibson Guest Star
Sam Kaufman Guest Star
Kristin Carter Guest Star
Tamara Haddard Guest Star
Talia Balsam Guest Star
Robyn K. Bennett Guest Star
Steven Soderbergh Director