Morgen ist der letzte Schultag es Schuljahres. Das ist natürlich ein besonderer Tag.
Although they are not supposed to be at school until graduation the next day, Yui and the others decide to hang around the club room, though they have trouble figuring out how to pass the time. They clear out their desks and visit the student council room before getting Azusa to buy them some lunch. Wanting to leave something behind after they graduate, the girls decide to record an album of their songs.
Ya están admitidas y no tienen que ir al instituto, pero deciden reunirse y pasar el día juntas.
Yui et ses amies vont bientôt quitter le lycée pour aller à l'université.
Mais aujourd'hui, elles profitent de leur dernière journée avant la cérémonie de remise des diplômes pour revenir sur les lieux qui ont vu naître leur club de musique ainsi que le groupe Hôkago Tea Time...
수업이 없는 3학년 멤버들은 모두 약속이라도 한듯 아침부터 동아리방에 놀러 온다. 평소와 다름없이 여유로운 시간을 보내던 중, 학교에서 마지막으로 하고 싶은 일에 대해 서로 얘기를 나누는데..