In der Abstellkammer des Musikraums herrscht das pure Chaos. Das schreit förmlich nach einem Frühjahrsputz! Yui und Ritsu haben dazu überhaupt keine Lust, doch was sein muss, muss sein…
While clearing their personal belongings out of the club room, the girls find an old guitar that used to belong to Sawako. Since it had aged a bit, Sawako allows the girls to sell it and add the money to the club's budget. After visiting a home superstore to buy a storage shelf, they take the guitar to the music store where they are surprised to find it valued at ¥500,000. When Sawako inquires about the sale, Ritsu tries lying about its value, but it backfires when Sawako asks for a receipt and the club end up getting considerably less money. However, she allows the girls to buy one thing with the money. Noticing that Azusa looks a bit concerned about not having any freshmen to look after, the girls decide to get her a pet turtle named Ton.
Toca limpiar la sala donde ensayan, y además de tener que quitar todo lo que allí dejaron, encontrarán objetos de los antiguos componentes del club de música…
Les jeunes lycéennes se sont bien installées dans la salle qu'on leur prête pour leurs répétitions.
Mais voilà, il est grand temps de faire le ménage !
Le placard de la salle regorge d'affaires personnelles qui n'ont rien à voir avec le club.
Parmi ces affaires, une vieille guitare poussiéreuse qui aurait appartenu à une ancienne membre du club...
어수선한 음악실을 정리하기로 마음먹은 경음악부. 하나 둘 물건이 쌓이며 창고실로 변하게 된 동아리방은 유이가 어디선가 가져온 물건들을 중심으로 개인 물건들이 넘쳐나고 있었다.