Der 15-jährige Fernando wird beschuldigt, einen Zivilpolizisten geschlagen zu haben. Anwalt und Staatsanwalt hatten sich schon im Vorfeld der Verhandlung auf eine Jugendstrafe geeinigt, wenn Fernando sich schuldig bekennt. Fernando beteuert jedoch seine Unschuld, so dass es zur Zeugenvernehmung kommt. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass der bestellte Verteidiger ein blutiger Anfänger ist, weshalb die vollkommen überarbeitete Donna, die vor Gericht Fernandos Vormund ist, nun auch noch seine Verteidigung übernehmen muss.
Maxine and Patricia discuss their feelings about dating. Patricia falls for Ignacio when they bump into him at a restaurant. Maxine insists she is only friends with Ignacio, but her behavior suggests otherwise.
Maxine investigates a college professor accused of abusing his wife. Maxine learns that the professor abused his first wife; When Maxine informs the current wife about his past, she finally admits that he was abusing her also and has him arrested.
Amy hears a case in which a teenage boy is accused of assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. During trial, it is revealed that the boy was the victim of a cop's ""Raid and Run"" scheme.
Lauren is suspended from school for vandalism after her and her friends destroy several trays of meat. Amy learns that Lauren and her friends are part of a group called ""straight edge."" At the end of the episode, Amy has a showdown with Lauren about her recent behavior.
Vincent gets a book deal based on his experience teaching at the juve
Amy, scagionando un giovane, si mette contro alcuni agenti di polizia. Patricia conosce Ignacio e vuole uscire con lui.
I forbindelse med en retssag, hvor en teenagedreng står anklaget for at have overfaldet en undercover-politimand, som brød ind i hans lejlighed på grund af mistanke om narkohandel, indser Amy, der stikker noget mere under. Maxine undersøger en sag om hustruvold, hvor en kvinde nægter at lægge sag an mod sin mand, mens hun selv på hjemmefronten er bange for at få mere end venskabelige følelser for Ignacio, og derfor foreslår, at hendes veninde Patricia og Ignacio tager på date sammen.