혼례식에서 유제세의 죄를 밝히려는 연주와 지선, 그리고 한수. 중요한 증인이 사라지면서 계획을 수정할 수밖에 없는데...신부 입장을 하던 연주가 피를 토하며 쓰러진다..?!
After realizing there's nothing that can stop his father's evil deeds, Ji-seon decides to let Yeon-joo and Han-soo use him for their revenge. Yeon-joo suggests Ji-seon to use their wedding ceremony as a chance to interrogate Executive Minister Yoo. On the day of the wedding, Yeon-joo faints after getting poisoned, and Executive Minister Yoo is pointed as the perpetrator.