Zwei Jahre später hängen Kokos Pläne immer noch wie ein Damoklesschwert über der Welt. Doch „Jormungand" ist nicht die einzige Bedrohung. Überall herrschen Krisen, stehen Kriege - wenn nicht gar der Dritte Weltkrieg - kurz vor dem Ausbruch. Und Jonah muss sich entscheiden, wohin sein Weg ihn führen soll.
Two years pass and with wars spreading through the world, just as Koko predicted, she still has not activated Jormungand yet. Kaspar, who already figured out Koko's plans, instead of trying to stop her, agrees to protect her as she launches into orbit a compact version of the Quantum Computer at a cosmodrome in a restored Soviet Union, putting it out of reach from her enemies. Just as he is leaving with his team, Jonah asks Kaspar permission to leave, to which he agrees, claiming that he will keep his part of the bargain of protecting his friends in Japan while giving him a passport and a Swiss Bank account as a parting gift. Four days later, Jonah wanders through Azerbaijan where he is found by Koko and her team. Having welcomed Jonah back into her party, Koko activates Jormungand.
Han pasado dos años y las guerras han extendido por todo el mundo, todos predichas por Koko, que todavía no ha activado Jormungand por el momento. Ya es consciente de sus planes y en vez de detenerla, Kasper se compromete a proteger Koko va a lanzar en órbita una versión compacta del superordenador cuántico a un cosmódromo en un restaurado Unión Soviética , poniéndolo fuera del alcance de sus enemigos.