Die Entführung einer Top-Wissenschaftlerin gibt nicht nur dem CIA neue Rätsel auf, denn die Spur führt zu Koko Hekmatyar. Bookman vermutet, ihr nächstes Ziel könnte der in einem geheimen Lager in Guantanamo Bay festgehaltene Whistleblower und Informatiker „Hasenpfote" sein. Doch er ist nicht der Einzige, der zu diesem Schluss kommt und ein neuer Spieler betritt das Feld.
In the Caucasus, quantum optics expert Elena Baburin is kidnapped by Koko's team and brought before her. Meanwhile, Scarecrow is informed that Koko has been pooling all her resources in a factory in South Africa in secrecy, a move she is concealing even from HCLI. After closing some deals around the world, Koko and her team is approached by Hinoki and Bookman at the Washington Dulles International Airport to remember her that she is being watched. When Schokolade, who was following Koko around the world informs Scarecrow that she had lost her track, Bookman realizes that Koko's next move is to extract Leila Ibrahim Faiza, aka "Rabitfoot", a quantum physicist, hacker and online activist from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp as according to the intel about her recent activities, Koko's secret project involves building a Quantum Supercomputer and she needs Rabitfoot's help to complete it. Meanwhile, Koko's team is preparing themselves for the kidnapping when Lutz questions Koko about her true intentions. Although she refrains from answering, all her bodyguards including Lutz reaffirm their commitment to her. As Hinoki discusses with an NSA officer about the kidnapping, he is informed by him that Bookman already contacted the NSA about it, and Rabitfoot is about to be transferred to another detention facility under some heavy escort whose orders are to kill whoever tries to rescue her.
En el Cáucaso, la óptica cuántica experta Elena Baburin es secuestrado por los guardaespaldas de Koko y llevado ante ella. Mientras tanto, espantapájaros se informó que Koko ha sido puesta en común en secreto todos sus recursos en la fábrica de juguetes en Sudáfrica, un movimiento que está ocultando incluso desde HCLI.