Ein Transport durch die Wüste des Irak weckt in Wiley die Erinnerung an seine Zeit beim US-Militär, denn sein erster Einsatz mit der Delta Force - bei dem er Lehm und Echo kennen lernte - fand genau hier statt, zur Zeit des Golfkriegs. Sprengstoffexperte Wiley war schon damals ein Ass darin, Bomben aufzuspüren, zu entschärfen - und zu legen.
While driving a convoy through Iraq, the team hear the story of how Wiley met Lehm in Iraq during the first Guld War before he got hired by Koko's team, when the members of PMC Excalibur are fired by Koko for shooting a passing vehicle without even checking if it was a threat or not, but their interpreter Nazar offers himself to accompany them on their Iraqi trip. Wiley makes use of his demolitions expertise to figure out a trap set by Excalibur and the team successfully repels their pincer attack, especially when Nazar, who was supposedly working with the enemy switched sides, collaborating with Koko instead.
Mientras que el equipo de Koko conduce un convoy a través de Irak, Jonás escucha la historia de cómo William "Wilee" Nelson se reunió Lehm ladrillo y la Fuerza Delta en Irak durante la primera Guerra del Golfo antes de que él fue contratado por Koko.