While Koko and Chen are having dinner in Port Elizabeth, Valmet engages Karen in close quarters combat with Lehm and Jonah taking on the surviving Daxinghai contractors. Valmet eventually gains the upper hand, seeing Karen as a reminder of herself when she had been severely wounded in Afica as a UN peacekeeper. Lehm intervened to stop Valmet from further harming Karen because they are not alley thugs. Eventually, Lehm and the group were able to secure Dr. Miami as she was catching butterflies. Furious that his Daxinghai contractors were defeated by Koko's team, Chen orders the assassination of Koko and Ugo in Port Elizabeth but Scarecrow's assistant Schokolade manages to persuade her boss to help them escape on a SuperHind Mk. V chopper after Koko talked to her. Koko and the team eventually arrives at Heathrow airport in London, but not before having a minor problem with an airport security metal detector when Jonah insist to the guard that he had been shot in the butt a long time ago.
Mientras Ugo relojes Koko y Chen cenar en Puerto Elizabeth, Valmet se involucra Karen en combates a corta distancia con Jonás y Lehm asumir los contratistas Daxinghai supervivientes. Valmet finalmente gana la partida, al ver a Karen como un recordatorio de sí misma cuando había sido gravemente herido en África como una fuerza de paz de la ONU.
Kokos geplantes Treffen mit ihrer alten Freundin Dr. Miami fällt ins Wasser - die exzentrische Ingenieurin ist spontan zu einer Expedition aufgebrochen, um seltene Schmetterlinge zu finden. Valmet und die anderen setzen sich auf ihre Fährte, doch sie sind nicht die Einzigen. Und die andere Seite hat keine guten Absichten...