The unlikely friendship between Johnny Jarvis and Alan Lipton begins in their last year at a comprehensive in Hackney. Jarvis, the loveable clown with a surprising talent for welding…Lipton, the apparently talentless reject, fantasising about the future and the father he has never met. At the end of the year they have to confront the adult world
Life at the squat for Stella and Lipton isn't easy. Jake has disappeared again. Both Lipton and the mysterious "Colonel" want to find him - and the Colonel isn't too fussy about his methods. However, Turner is in work - if not earning money; and Jarvis is busy at Technical College, where he acquires a girlfriend.
Having begun as a sort of serial for Grange Hill graduates, this tale of two lads from London's East End has taken off on an almost surreal tangent, with a shadowy drug dealer called The Colonel holding the rock writer Lipton a prisoner in his mother's council flat. Jarvis is also flat-bound, and flat-broke, compelled to baby-sit while Stella goes out to work