We meet Jing and Kir for the first time in this episode! They're at the Capital of Thieves and they've heard of the magnificent treasure of the Double Mermaids. They learn from a rickety old lady that the Mayor of the city named Cognac holds the only one of the Double Mermaids. She tells them to go see Vodka a vetran thief. Jing impresses Vodka by stealing his prized jewel and making him swallow it!! Vodka and his groupies join forces with Jing to get the Double Mermaids but their plan (involving making a hot air balloon out of their clothes) fails miserably. Jing asks the old lady that shows up once again what in the world a dragon like thingy lying on the ground is. She says that its one of the few birds that rarely lays eggs. They watch as it actually does lay an egg and Cognac's goons take it away. The old lady makes a cryptic remark about how Cognac was always taking children from their mothers. Vodka asks Jing if he has any ideas on how to get up into Cognac's tower whe
Jing et son comparse Kir arrivent dans une ville appelée "La Capitale des Voleurs". Son dirigeant, l'infâme Cognac, possède un fabuleux trésor, le "Double Mermaid", dont tous les voleurs du coin rêvent de s'emparer. Mais Cognac a plus d'un tour dans son sac pour protéger ses trésors. Jing sera-t-il plus malin que lui ?
ג'ינג מגיע לבירת הגנבים בניסיון למצוא את התכשיט המפורסם "בנות הים הכפולות", שהשמועות אומרות כי אין יפה ממנו. התכשיט שמור היטב במעלה המגדל הגדול שראש העיר, קונייאק, בנה. גנבים רבים מתו בניסיון להגיע לראש המגדל הזה. אך ג'ינג בטוח בהצלחתו להגיע לשם. האם הוא יצליח במשימתו?