I hope you enjoyed this, like I said we've had a tough week with Marbles. He's been skipping meals here and there and then yesterday he didn't eat his breakfast or dinner, making it over a full 24 hours without eating, so this morning I decided if he wouldn't eat his breakfast it's time to go in to the vet which is where we were for a large portion of the day. It's pretty dangerous for such a little guy to eat nothing for that long (he weighed 4.8 pounds today omg so little who shrunk you). We are getting the results back from his blood work soon, they've already ruled out pancreatitis and anything physical in his tummy like an obstruction, but senior dogs can suffer from things like kidney disease cancer etc. and it's just good to be safe here and take care of my little guy so I do apologize that this probably isn't the most exciting video you've ever seen, and LISTEN TO ME ALL PEOPLE THAT WANT TO MAKE YOUTUBE VIDEOS filming editing and uploading all in one day sometimes is a super fun plan because it forces you to make fun things on a regular basis but sometimes you need to take your tiny furry friends for an emergency day long vet trip and makes for a very bad time. So hopefully you can understand that sometimes I just have to deal with real life and make a low key video with my super sexy space cowboy boyfriend to cheer ourselves up. Also I am very please with my lash perm and highly recommend one to anyone that's interested but seriously just pay someone to do it. It's a nightmare to do yourself mine came out ASS crooked and they're up so high I literally can't put on a strip lash if I wanted to lol. But they are so permed and curly it's honestly amazing.