In this episode, we will learn 2 common endings for verbs: "kureru" and "ageru". "Kureru" is mostly used when someone gives you something. "Ageru" is used mostly when you give something to someone. The word "kau" means "to buy", so "kattekureru" is often used when someone buys you something, and "katteageru" is often used when you buy something for someone. So now learn more about this expressions from the video! 1. Kattekureru?/ Katteageru Learn the verbs for giving and receiving combined with other verbs. 2. Kanji-easy! This section will use various methods to visualize kanji. 3. Aketekureru?/ Aketeageru Let's see some expressions used in everyday life. 4. Phrase-easy! You will learn useful Japanese phrases.