A day in the Life as Japanese Egg Factory Worker in Japan. This is a typical day working in a Japanese factory from morning until night. The average factory worker in Japan works a set amount of hours ever day as you'll see. Also, in Japanese factories, it’s very common to have more part-time shift workers, than full-time workers. In this egg factory, 80% of the workers are part-time and 20% full-time. Kenta works at Yachiyo Poultry, a well-renowned egg factory in Japan with a proud 95 year history running it’s own farms. In Japan, TAMAGO aka eggs have a place in every meal which is why it’s no surprise that the country ranks as the 2nd highest consumer of eggs globally, each person consuming on average 339 eggs per year. Also, there is quite a lot Japanese work culture that can be seen in this video. For example, punctuality, is a deeply ingrained aspect of Japanese work culture, emphasizing the importance of being fully prepared and ready to work before the start time, rathe