This is a Day in the Life of a Japanese Tea Maker crafting the most expensive green tea in Japan. This a work day in Japan is from morning until the evening and we get to take a look at the work culture for growing and harvesting Japanese green tea. We follow Fuki who works at Yoshiizumien, a family owned 5th generation Japanese tea company, crafting the most luxurious tea in Japan, Yamecha, for over 130 years. While this remote area holds just a modest 3% share of the nation’s tea production, it produces the highest end tea in the country known for its unparalleled quality, strong sweetness and umami. Gyokuro is the most premium type of green tea produced, making up only 0.3% of the overall of tea production in Japan, and here, the artisans craft the highest-end Gyokuro green tea, the Yame Traditional Hon Gyokuro. It’s born through a traditional cultivation technique where the tea bushes are nurtured under straw screens shading out 95% of light, increasing the leaves chlorophyll c