David Starkey hopes to inspire the class with some seventh-century 'bling' from the Staffordshire Hoard. A traditionalist, he plans to take a firm hand with bad behaviour, but he gets off to a difficult start when he and a student trade insults.
Jamie tries to address the issue of discipline head-on with the kids, which includes banning mobile phones in lessons. New teacher Alastair Campbell thinks he can get 20 apathetic kids excited about politics by showing how they can change the world, but his lessons in how to argue spill outside the classroom.
Jamie worries if the good work in the school is being undermined by indiscipline. And two new teachers join the staff: maths and finance guru Alvin Hall and environmentalist Jane Poynter.
Jamie wants to see if a classical education, taught by some of the most brilliant people, can reach today's disillusioned children, so he enlists the help of a Latin scholar from Cambridge.
The end of term is looming. Some of the kids have been inspired by the star teachers, but the pressure is on to reach the rest.
As school term draws to a close the pressure is on to get the teenagers back into education and attention turns to the hardest-to-reach kids. In a last-ditch effort, Jamie tries three very different approaches.
It's the last few days of the school term and Alastair Campbell has managed to get the Dream School kids invited to Downing Street to put their points about education to the Prime Minister, David Cameron.