Arstotzka greatest country in Papers,Please! GLORY TO HOMELAND! I run this border!
Another glorious day in Arstozka! Papers, Please now allows me to detain people! I HAVE TOO MUCH POWER
You better not be hiding anything under them clothes! Cos I'll find it in Papers, Please!
The super secret order want me to join them in Papers, Please! Arstozka greatest country glory!!
The Ezic Order needs you in Papers, Please! But is the money worth it??
The Order knows! They will spread through Arstozka Greatest Country!
Wait!! There's Bombs and Guns in Papers, Please? Jack to the rescue!!
Things are on edge in Papers, Please! The Order want me to carry out a crazy task!
I may have gone too far in Papers, Please...... there's no turning back now D:
No you can't have your passport back! IT'S MINE NOW!!!!...... Papers, Please
I might have fallen asleep during this episode of Papers, Please because mistakes were made!
This is the last time I will ask you for your Papers, Please! What will happen to me now??
Glory Greatest Country Mother Proud! More Papers, Please cos why not
You know what happens when you don't get into Glory greatest!? DETAINED!
Who can I trust in Glory Greatest!? More Papers, Please
Did I just commit a heckin bad in Papers, Please?!
I will gladly take my crown as the king of Arstotzka in Papers, Please!