This episode is dedicated to the works of one of the great pioneers of Japanese cinema - world-renowned filmmaker Mizoguchi Kenji. We look at his prewar classic "Naniwa Elegy" (1936) and its vivid depiction of human egoism, as well as "The Lady of Musashino" (1951), a film from the director's mature period about a tumultuous love triangle in postwar Tokyo. Offering advice on how to enjoy Mizoguchi's films is our guest, Markus Nornes, professor at University of Michigan and leading scholar of Japanese cinema, who will also perform "benshi" live narration to a scene from Mizoguchi's silent masterpiece, "The Downfall of Osen" (1935). Our Feature Selection this time is "The Unnameable Dance," a documentary on dancer and actor Tanaka Min, who's filmography includes appearances in international productions. [Navigator] Sarah Macdonald [Guest] Markus Nornes (Professor, University of Michigan)