This episode centers on the world-famous Studio Ghibli and its latest release: "Earwig and the Witch," the first film in the studio's history animated fully in computerized 3D graphics. We feature interviews with producer Miyazaki Hayao and director Miyazaki Goro, as well as some of the making-of footage. We also introduce some of the noteworthy titles screened at one of the largest film festivals in Asia, the Hong Kong International Film Festival, including a documentary on the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack, "Me and the Cult Leader," directed by Sakahara Atsushi, one of the incident's victims. Finally, we look at 2 films from up-and-coming cineaste Ishii Yuya: "A Madder Red," and "The Asian Angel." [Navigator] Sarah Macdonald [Guest] Yoshi Yatabe (Festival Programmer/Film Producer)