The Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia, one of the biggest festivals in Asia devoted to short films, held its 21st edition this year. On this Special Edition of J-FLICKS, we propose a digest of the event as we look at competition winners, including the recipient of the grand prize, the George Lucas Award, and interview some of the filmmakers who participated in the festival. We also set the spotlight on "Chin Up," presented in the festival's Shibuya Diversity Program, as well as an animated film by a German director, "Obon," a recollection of memories from a survivor of the Hiroshima nuclear attack. The latter was screened in the War and the Power to Live Program, which was proposed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). With us in the studio is a representative of the ICRC, as well as the festival's director, to discuss the appeal of short films and the future possibilities of the non-feature length format.