Iyanla challenges the House of Healing guests to let go of the pain they've buried deep inside themselves throughout their lives. It is this pain, according to Iyanla, that manifests in the inappropriate behavior that gets them labeled as angry black women. Chrystale proclaims that her mother is "dead" to her, but the other women aren't convinced and neither is Iyanla. During an intense session, Iyanla challenges Chrystale to dig deep and let go of the pain she's been holding on to. Nearly every woman in the house has had issues with men. So, Iyanla invites some black men to the house for a mixer, but the twist is that these men prefer to date outside their race. Also invited are four white women who only date black men. The mixer is a test for the women of the House of Healing to see whether they are able to use the techniques they've learned to communicate.