Spiritual life coach Iyanla Vanzant heads to Dallas, Texas to help a local DJ and his mother heal from a secret that has torn them apart. Iyanla will work with the son to forgive his mother for lying to him about the identity of his biological father.
The Chavez family may look like many of yours, where a family secret or a lie has fanned the flames of a breakdown.
Jose is a popular morning radio personality in Dallas. At age 23, he learned the man who raised him was not his father. Eventually, he met his biological father and established a relationship, even introducing him to his own newborn son. Throughout the process, he talked about it on the radio. This enraged Jose's mother, Patricia, and his sister. Soon, they weren't talking at all.
After five months of not speaking to his family, Jose asked Iyanla for help. Now, Iyanla has less than 24 hours to support them. She works with Patricia to find out why, as a teen mom, she lied to Jose.
As the family reunites, they must face the truth of their past to move forward.
Since Iyanla's visit, the Chavez family have spoken on the phone and plan to see each other soon. Jose and his wife have also been sending pictures and videos of their son to Patricia.