Škôlkar Meco ušiel z objektu materskej školy a dostal sa až do rómskej osady. Števove pôsobenie v škôlke je ohrozené. Dado sa šiel vyspovedať, potrebuje farárove požehnanie pre prácu v modelingu. Najskôr sa chce dostať do súťaže Muž roka, čím získa popularitu, na ktorej bude stavať. Problémom však je jeho falošná identita. Potrebuje nájsť svojich rodičov.
A preschool child Meco ran away from the kindergarten building and made it all the way to a Roma settlement. Števo's work in the kindergarten is in jeopardy. Dado went to confession, he needs the priest's blessing to work in modeling. First of all, he wants to get into the Man of the Year competition, which will gain him the popularity he will build on. But the problem is his false identity. He needs to find his parents.