團隊內無止境的磨擦,令阿信起了Team Building的念頭,恰巧遇上搖身一變成為成功學導師的阿Lou。久未露面的阿Lou講述為自己帶來重大轉變的過去,同時為PayPayDuck帶來有阿Lou特色的指導訓練,眾人既不屑又要陪練,情況異常尷尬﹗另一邊廂,Kenneth和蒙玲私下尋找投資者,卻遇上意想不到的麻煩……
Realizing that his team lacks teamwork, Nim Shun signs the team up for a team-building activity. Both Kenneth and Mung Ling reject the idea and decide to stay at Born Hub, while Tony, Billy, and Billie have to attend the team-building activity that they are not aware of. While the team is away, Kenneth receives a surprise call from a big company expressing their interest in investing in PayPayDuck, but they soon realize that things are not as they seem.