In episode one, surgeon and pilot David Pring shows us why some patients receive a flying visit, hospital chef Wilkie embarks on an ambitious ice-cream wedding cake for a nurse’s wedding and hotelier Michael finds out whether he can continue work after falling down the stairs. Outpatients at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital live within a 120-mile radius on six different islands, so seeing a doctor can be an unusual affair. For more than 20 years, Mr David Pring has been both a qualified surgeon and a fully licensed pilot. This means he’s able to serve the community efficiently by flying himself to house calls. Tonight, David flies to Alderney – the most Northern of the Channel Islands – to see 82 year-old pensioner Robin, who has fallen at home and damaged his left hip. David explains: “It’s the most efficient way to get around if you can fly yourself. Otherwise you’re heavily dependent on the commercial flights and they don’t always fit in with clinic times.” Over 300,000 tourists visit Guernsey each year, most during the peak summer months. Michael is the manager of Bella Luce, a boutique hotel on Guernsey but has ended up in Accident and Emergency during the hotel’s busiest season. After a bad fall, Michael has a very bruised and swollen shoulder. Dr Brian Parkin sends him for an X-ray but how will the Bella Luce cope with Michael out of action? Of the 66,000 residents in Guernsey, 20,000 are imports - tradesmen and industry specialists brought over from the mainland to help serve the community. Neil Wilkie, the hospital chef, learned his trade in London at Michelin starred restaurants but moved to Guernsey for a change in lifestyle. He and his team now serve up the best quality food to the Princess Elizabeth Hospital patients. He says: “This is actually sirloin steak, sliced up for braising because we like to give the best quality we can to our patients. They can choose what they like because that’s what we do. Most of the