Importance of Creation and the Flood for worldview and culture. With Del Tackett.
Overview of reasons why Christians should think the earth is young. With Kurt Wise.
Explores what the early church fathers thought as well as the importance of the Galileo controversy. With Todd Wood.
Explains the importance of understanding the philosophy of science for creationism. With Kurt Wise.
Overview of where Creation Science now is. With Todd Wood.
The Director of IGH provides his view of where creationism is headed. With Thomas Purifoy.
Explains basic principles of archeology in light of the Bible. With Doug Petrovich.
The reasons for seeing Eridu as the original Tower of Babel. With Doug Petrovich.
Examines why the Uruk dispersion fits the Babel dispersion. With Doug Petrovich
Examines the presence of Jacob and Joseph in Egypt. With Doug Petrovich.
Examines the presence of Joseph’s sons in Egypt. With Doug Petrovich.
Overview of a Biblical view of the cosmos. With Danny Faulkner.
Examines evidences for both and young and old earth. With Danny Faulkner.
Explains the various creationist answers to this question. With Danny Faulkner.
An approach to astronomy from a Biblical perspective. With Danny Faulkner.
Examines the discovery of planets outside our solar system. With Danny Faulkner.
Discusses some aspects of Big Bang cosmology. With Danny Faulkner.
Discusses the new movement among some to argue the earth is really flat. With Danny Faulkner.
Looks at popular views of aliens and UFOs both inside and outside creationism. With Danny Faulkner.
Developing a model of solar systems from a biblical perspective. With Danny Faulkner.
Provides textual reasons for why we should accept Genesis as an accurate book of history. With Steve Boyd.
A history of Biblical interpretation and the impact of Biblical criticism starting with the Enlightenment. With Steve Boyd.
A presentation of Dr. Boyd’s statistical work from the RATE project. With Steve Boyd.
Looks both at the Hebrew text and the geological evidence for the global Flood. With Steve Boyd.
Introduces basic concepts in studying the Old Testament. With Steve Boyd.
Use of context for understanding the text. With Steve Boyd.
Dr. Petrovich presents his findings on this important linguistic question. With Doug Petrovich.
An examination of the text of Genesis 1. With Doug Petrovich.
Additional views of the role of literary structure and the Old Testament text. With Steve Boyd.
Overview of various aspects of Biology as pursued from a creationist perspective. With Todd Wood.
Discussion of human genomes in light of creationist and evolutionary controversis. With Todd Wood.
Examines the important question of the Fall and its impact on biological life. With Todd Wood.
Introduction to the topic of bariminology, or created kinds. With Todd Wood.
Looks at the role that mutations play in creatures, and how that impacts natural selection. With Joe Deweese.
Examines the genetic potential for change within organisms. With Todd Wood.
Dr. Wise explains the importance of baraminology to the overall science of biology. With Kurt Wise.
Introduction to basic concepts in biochemistry from an intelligent design perspective. With Joe Deweese.
Examines key questions in molecular biology. With Joe Deweese.
Looks at the way living systems are designed and how they operate. With Joe Deweese.
A general introduction to creationist biology and the role of plate tectonics. With Kurt Wise.
Dr. Austin presents his findings from decades of research in the Grand Canyon. With Steve Austin.
An excellent introductory overview of the way sediment was laid down during the flood. With Kurt Wise.
Explains how catastrophic plate tectonics was the cause of the flood. With Kurt Wise.
Examines the rebirth of catastrophism and the role that mudflows play in that. With Steve Austin.
A look at the lowest rocks in the continental crust. With Andrew Snelling.
An examination of the great unconformity and other aspects of the flood boundary. With Steve Austin.
A look at the controversy and questions concerning the flood and post-flood boundary. With Steve Austin.
A brief overview of the history of the geology and paleontology of the earth. With Kurt Wise.
An overview of what occurred in the catastrophic period of recovery after the flood. With Kurt Wise.
A look at Darwin's work in south America and how he made a series of mistakes in formulating his view of the earth. With Steve Austin.
Dr. Austin shares his research in Israel looking at earthquake evidences. With Steve Austin.
A global flood model for Earth history. With Steve Austin.
A comprehensive look at what happened at Mount St Helens and why it is important for creation. With Steve Austin.
An overview of various evidences for a young first. With Andrew Snelling.
An introduction to radiometric dating. With Andrew Snelling.
A more in-depth explanation of radiometric dating; covers everything in summary and much more. With Andrew Snelling.
Examines the work of the RATE project in light of Carbon-14 dating. With Andrew Snelling.
Dr. Snelling explains his work on radiohalos granite as evidence of young ages. With Andrew Snelling.
A general overview of what the flood did in terms of the fossil record. With Kurt Wise.
A general overview of what the flood did in terms of the fossil record. With Kurt Wise.
A general overview of the fossil record. With Kurt Wise.
A look at specific examples in the hominid fossil record and what they mean. With Todd Wood.
A fascinating examination of the ecosystems that lived before the flood at the edge of the continents. With Kurt Wise.